UK Mainland (Not Including Scottish Highlands)
Our standard delivery is 1 – 3 working days from when you place an order.
Delivery days are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
All orders received before 2pm will be dispatched the same day (if orders are placed on a weekend or after 2pm the order will be dispatched the next working day).
All deliveries must be signed for, and we will not leave the goods unattended unless this is directly specified in writing.
If you require a timed pallet delivery, this will come at a cost of £65 per pallet.
Delivery to the Scottish Highlands will be charged at a different rate, please call to enquire.
If you are not available to take delivery there will be a re-delivery fee of £10 plus VAT for parcels and £65 for pallets
Scottish Isles, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Isle of Man & Isle of White will be charged at different rates & Free delivery is not included.
Deliveries to Ireland will require a valid EORI number in order for us to be able to process your order.
Change to The APC Terms and Conditions of Carriage – COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – Effective March 14th 2020
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, and in order to protect the safety of both consumers and delivery drivers, we have temporarily relaxed the requirement of Clause 5 (2) of The APC Terms and Conditions of Carriage and will be adopting the
Consumers will not be required to personally sign the ePOD device or hard copy document but will be required to provide their name verbally to the delivery driver whereby the driver will include this on the delivery record, the driver will place the consignment near the door once opened and take a photo as proof of delivery. If a customer refuses to provide their name, the consignment will not be left with them but fall under the ‘refused goods’ process.
To ease pressure on the delivery drivers and maximise our delivery capabilities our Pre 0900 service options are not available
The Health and Safety of customers and all those involved in the provision of APC Services remains our priority- delays to service may be experienced.